| 18 June 2015 (USA)

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  • Season 1 : 2015 | 10 Episodes

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    disgusting, overrated, pointless


    Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.

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    it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.

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    The first must-see film of the year.


    I've really enjoyed this show! The characters really fit well together and the intensity in each episode keeps you coming back for more. I am quite DISAPPOINTED that they killed off Darius. He was one of the cornerstones of the show! They could have wounded him. He was just a great character with how he interacted with the doctor...and deep down inside you knew he was a good guy overall.The doctor certainly walks a fine line between what is lawfully correct and what is needed to distance himself and his family from all the trouble he accidentally brought into his life. His dad is a good side figure that is supportive of his son through thick and thin...even though he apparently screwed up back in the day. Overall, this is one of the better shows out there and I'm certainly looking forward to the next season. However, killing off this very instrumental character was not only wrong, but very unexpected.

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    I LOVED Burn Notice. That's really the only reason I decided to check out Matt Nix's new show. It's utter ridiculousness. I could stomach the first episode, aside from the stilted acting and uninteresting supporting characters. After episode 2, however, things just become outrageous. The problem is trying to plant way too many seeds like the drug dealing nurse, wife who may or may not have had an affair, estranged grandfather, main character's mysterious ability to shoot like a trained marksman, etc. I stopped watching when the drug dealing nurse decides to make a housecall to retrieve a patient's belongings (??) from her boyfriend that was beating her up and ends up hurling the patient's boyfriend into a glass coffee table (?????) then calls the doctor to help her and he decides to let the patient potentially bleed to death while he takes a meeting with a streetgang that passively threatened him to take care of the gang leader's son who is recovering from the shooting the initially saved him from (?????????). My brain hurts trying to understand who decided it was a good idea to make a show essentially titled 'Medical People Who Keep Making Implausible Decisions in Atlanta Yet No One Has a Southern Accent'

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    nixon carmichael

    I don't mean that in a completely negative way. If you'd sit me down at a focus group, didn't tell me that this was a Matt Nix project or that it's on USA and just told me to watch the damn show, immediately after the credits roll, I'd say "Well that's a Matt Nix show on USA."Not that it's a bad thing. Matt Nix has an intellectualism about his writing that enables the viewer to get into the world of a professional environment, complete with accurate dialogue that a professional in a given world would use. Complications requires a vast suspension of disbelieve, but I buy it in the context of the show. While it's a bit more grim than Burn Notice, complications does seem to keep a relatively quick pace.Overall, after having viewed the first three episodes I can confidently say that this is not the worst thing on TV.

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    House was less believable than this show. Not going into plot points and all that, just want to get it out there that Jason O'Mara is hella fun to watch in this. His isn't the only character who drives this show but it definitely hinges on his. It's just plain fun and exiting. I had my own run in with a street gang in Miami back in the 80's (just a few physical altercations and a lot of intimidation) and I totally relate to the situation he finds himself in. The actors who play the "bad guys" are highly believable and give great performances. The story is intriguing and, unlike most "medical" dramas I've instantly fallen in love with the show.

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