In the Red
In the Red
| 26 May 1998 (USA)
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Wonderful character development!


Sadly Over-hyped


not as good as all the hype


While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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I recommend this to anyone who enjoys laughing (especially at the ridiculousness of bureaucracy), pleasantly convoluted plots and well-crafted characters: good scripting, great acting by a professional cast of well-known British actors thoroughly enjoying themselves, but simultaneously managing to underplay despite the temptations offered by the material, and several unexpected twists in the various plot lines.I've been told that critics didn't respond well to this TV adaptation; I never saw any reviews, but everyone I know who saw it loved it. It's the sort of thing, in fact, that you actually yearn to see again (and again!) - so when, oh when, will the BBC repeat it or, better, release it on DVD?

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Stuart (TheTrulyMadOne)

Firstly, let me say, If you are not familiar with Britain or the way it is run, don't bother. This superb comedy of in-jokes would be mostly not understandable.For the Brits out there or people who have lived and worked in the UK, this is a brilliant satire on the way the country is run with murders stacking up by the score. Is the murderer the musician, wiped out with debt and getting innumerate letters from his bank? Is it from within that bastion of bastions, the BBC? or could it be from the world of banking or even from the Palace of Westminister itself?It is criminal that this has only been shown once and never released on video or DVD. A must!

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An absolutely excellent mini-series, In The Red was cleverly scripted and well acted. Several sub-plots are woven into a brilliant ending that really does keep you guessing... Filled with laughs throughout, as well as numerous jabs at the institution that is the BBC, yet always managing to stay on track and not stray from the plot, I found this to be very entertaining. The only weak moment was the end of the first episode, where a combination of mediocre special effects and a little too "hammy" a scene almost made me not bother with the second episode. To anybody else who feels the same, I'd say - stick with it, it is worth it!For those of you familiar with British TV, expect to see a quite incredible array of British TV personalities in roles or just making little cameos throughout...

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