The Others
The Others
| 05 February 2000 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 2000 | 13 Episodes

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    Best movie ever!


    It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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    Robert Joyner

    The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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    Stephan Hammond

    It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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    Marian Kitt (Julianne Nicholson) transfers to a new college. She starts having nightmarish visions in her dorm room which is driving away her friends. Prof. Miles Ballard (John Billingsley) suggests that she has psychic abilities to see the girl who died in that room a year earlier. He's a professor of folklore and myths. He recruits her into his group of special people. Mark Gabriel (Gabriel Macht) is an ER doctor with empathetic skills. Ellen 'Satori' Polaski (Missy Crider) works as a psychic. The group includes Elmer Greentree (Bill Cobbs), aspiring writer Warren Day (Kevin J. O'Connor), and blind Albert McGonagle.The pilot is a ghost story with limited action. The show evolves into one with an ongoing threat and demons. It takes awhile before the show comes up with that big bad. It lasted 13 episodes. It would have been more compelling to start the show with a villain as a main character. The demons are too nebulous and too powerful taking on any form. It doesn't help that the order of the episodes is jumbled up. The cast is solid and their chemistry is great together. It would be nice if their abilities are more defined and specific to each character. It is overall a reasonable supernatural show with a good cast but some difficulties.

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    Cast my vote with the other reviewers who felt that NBC cancelled this wonderful show simply because (remember the joke, "Why did the dog lick his privates?) THEY COULD. Well-written and well-acted supernatural shows are so rare, and, with the demise of traditional network TV, as we split the entertainment universe into 5000 channels, and as we segue to a parallel universe where a firm that used to compete with video stores by sending DVDs by USPS is now a major producer ... well they are just going to become rarer. Here is a tip for newbies, both viewers and armchair reviewers. Every good show has someone who acts as the "glue." You can even test yourself by watching (or re-watching) one of your faves and asking yourself who the glue is..? In this show Cobbs as Elmer Greentree was the glue, and no matter what was happening, or whom it was happening to, the viewer would look to Cobbs to see how to react. He was the moral centre and the action centre, and he was great, the writing was great, and the characters were fascinating. I had set my VCR on permanent timeslot record only to wake up one morning and find the show had disappeared. (Same story with American Gothic, also reviewed on IMDb by your humble scribe.) Great show!

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    I always enjoyed watching this TV-series with a supernatural basis. In my opinion it had lots of potential and could had become the new "The X-Files". The 'low' budget was however painfully notable at times with its special effects and it was obvious that the creators had to restrain themselves with the stories for the different episodes because of the 'lack' of money. I'm positive that with some more money this TV-series could had become a big success but unfortunately they stopped the show after one season.The characters were all solid and all had their own interesting background. The characters were most definitely strong and interesting enough to carry the series.My favorite episode most definitely was "Souls On Board", later I found out that that episode was directed by no one less then Tobe Hooper who made the movies "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" (1974) and "Poltergeist" (even though I'm still convinced of it that Spielberg did the most directing on that movie, I think Hooper only did some of the technical aspects on that movie.). I'm sorry it must have been years since I've watched an episode of "The Others" but I seem to remember that the series had a good opening theme composed by Klaus Badelt, who is now a much better known and acclaimed composer for movies like "The Time Machine" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl". A bit off topic but you should also check his musical score for "K-19: The Widowmaker" out. It's a score worth owning but unfortunately not one easy to get. The score for the series itself was composed by highly underrated composer Shirley Walker, who worked with Danny Elfman as an orchestrator and conductor for years.If you get the chance of watching "The Others" on TV as reruns, make sure to do so then. The series is worth your time and has solid characters and some good writing. Unfortunately this series will most likely not be easy to catch and I also don't think that they are ever going to give it a DVD release. A shame because this series had tons of potential and is worth to be seen by everyone.8/10P.S.: Oh and could someone please remove the Nicole Kidman poster on this page! This series has absolutely nothing to do with the 2001 movie "The Others" starring Nicole Kidman and directed by Alejandro Amenábar.

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    Ok, folks. We have another one of those "supernatural" shows, trying to ride the success of the X-files. Sorry, fellows, even the current wave of X-like shows can't carry everything along. This one sank for good. The acting, which is supposed to give such a show a realistic feeling, is awful. The plot is... rock-bottom. The special effects, below average. Even though this is a low budget show, it could have been done better, much better. Do not waste your time on it. 2/10

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