PG-13 | 16 November 1995 (USA)
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When a powerful satellite system falls into the hands of Alec Trevelyan, AKA Agent 006, a former ally-turned-enemy, only James Bond can save the world from a dangerous space weapon that -- in one short pulse -- could destroy the earth! As Bond squares off against his former compatriot, he also battles Xenia Onatopp, an assassin who uses pleasure as her ultimate weapon


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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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Rainey Dawn

Sean Bean makes the perfect villain -- nemesis for 007 Pierce Brosnan... should have kept him for other films. 8.5/10

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GoldenEye (1995) is my number 1 personal favorite movie of all time! James Bond 007 action film the best one that was ever made. In my opinion it is the best one I love this movie to death! I grew up watching it as a child and Pierce Brosnan is my number 1 favorite James Bond. GoldenEye is the first film to star Pierce Brosnan as the fictional MI6 officer James Bond. The film was directed by Martin Campbell and is the first in the series not to take story elements from the works of novelist Ian Fleming.I'm a hard-core James Bond fan. I make no apologies for believing that Pierce Brosnan is the closest thing we've seen to IAN FLEMING's James Bond. The reason because it is my favorite it is because I feel it is just action, action , action and more action. I never feel bored with it, or it is too over long like some Bond movies are it is fast paced, entertaining and hard core action. The plot is simply and the story never get's bored. It is a beautiful movie, with beautiful direction from Martin Campbell. The stunts are completely insane in scale in this movie and really dangerous.Music score is by Éric Serra, the title song is GoldenEye performed by Tina Turner. GoldenEye was released in 1995 after a six-year hiatus in the series caused by legal disputes, during which Timothy Dalton resigned from the role of James Bond and was replaced by Pierce Brosnan. M was also recast, with actress Judi Dench becoming the first woman to portray the character, replacing Robert Brown. The role of Miss Moneypenny was also recast, with Caroline Bliss being replaced by Samantha Bond: Desmond Llewelyn was the only actor to reprise his role, as Q. GoldenEye was the first Bond film made after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, which provided a background for the plot.Style and sophistication are in abundance - - "The name's Bond. James Bond." Goldeneye's female characters are honestly beautiful with particular techniques. The bad one is Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen), an ex-Soviet fighter pilot who tranquilly smokes big cigars and knocks off her victims with her 'killer thighs.' In one scene, she challenges Bond's legendary Aston Martin DB5 to a wild road race outside Monte Carlo with her red Ferrari: in another she was so smart that she snatches a top-secret helicopter from under the noses of the French navy. Izabella Scorupco is a great and the finest Bond girl, the irresistible Natalya Simonova (Izabella Scorupco) who 'tastes like strawberries.' Natalya possesses all the technical ability to neutralize Janus' scheme or to destroy all computer records with the GoldenEye As one who survived a mass murder, this lovely beauty is suddenly a marked woman.James Bond investigates the theft of the control disk for the GoldenEye satellite. His investigation leads to an organization of arms dealers Janus and the reappearance of someone from Bond's past. James Bond must deal with betrayal of his old friend Alec Trevelyan (006) gone rogue, from using a satellite GoldenEye against London to cause a global financial meltdownWhy I also love this movie to death beside the action is because of the great villains who created evil characters. Such as: Sean Bean as Alec Trevelyan (006), Famke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp: A Georgian lust murderer, Gottfried John as General Arkady Grigorovich Ourumov and Alan Cumming as Boris Grishenko: A computer programmer.It was filmed in beautiful locations in Puerto Rico, Russia, England, UK and in the France.The movie has a lot of insane hard-core action (I counted TEN all-star ones during my last viewing), The stunts are completely insane in scale (bungee jumping in - Arkangel Chemical Weapons Facility a stunt man performed that stunt in the opening scene.) Bond with a motorcycle jumps on a plane and catches it. Bond drives a tank in Russia for the first time and he demolishes even police cars that was excellent scene. Bond a stuntman jumps out of the window in Russia. Alec Trevelyan's train depot - exploding train. The epic climatic fight on the end of the movie between Bond and Trevelyan in his secret Goldeneye satellite control dish in Cuba in which Bond drops Trevelyan out of dish beautiful and really crazy stunt performance.I love the soundtracks in this movie: Goldeneye by Tina Turner and The Experience of Love by Éric Serra. I just love everything about this movie from the actions, to the heroes, to the villains from acting everything abut this movie I just love so much.GoldenEye (1995) is the seventeenth spy film in the James Bond series to be produced by Eon Productions, and the first to star Pierce Brosnan as the fictional MI6 officer James Bond. The film was directed by Martin Campbell and is the first in the series not to take story elements from the works of novelist Ian Fleming.10/10 my favorite James Bond number 1 movie. This film is amazing Totally mind-blowing I love it.

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James Bond teams up with the lone survivor of a destroyed Russian research center to stop the hijacking of a nuclear space weapon by a fellow agent formerly believed to be dead.This film brings James Bond into the post-Soviet era, so the old balance of power is not quite the same. But, in many ways, it has not changed at all, and the Russians are still key adversaries. It's complicated.Brosnan is a good Bond. I didn't grow up watching the series, but if I did he would have been my generation's Bond. And, frankly, he's pretty good. Maybe not as iconic as Connery or Moore, but it's hard to step into the shoes of giants. With ll due respect to Daniel Craig, I think Brosnan was (as of 2017) the last great Bond.

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James Bond Fans had Waited Six Years for the New James Bond (after Timothy Dalton) and the New Bond Film. What They got was a Big, Bombastic, Loud, Kill-Fest with Non-Stop Action.Some of it so Over the Top that it seemed a Tribute to Roger Moore. The One Liners are some of the Lamest in the Series with almost Every One Falling Flat. They also got Pierce Brosnan.Brosnan Slides into the Role with Relative Ease, although it must be said that the Frame is Overflowing with Explosions, Machine Gun Fire, Fisticuffs, Gadgets, Trains, Plains, Cars, Computer Screens, and a Tank Ride that has to be Seen to be Believed and even then it won't be Believed. Because it is simply, Unbelievable.Much in the New Bond is Unbelievable. That's Never been a Problem for Bond Movies. But there is a line, and Roger Moore Crossed it many times, that is Beyond Fiction and Ventures into Far Far Away Land. This one goes there more than once.On the Positive, the Bond Girls are Engaging, Good Looking, and Fun. Famke Janssen and Izabella Scorupco are, in Keeping with Modernity, Sexy and Utilitarian. The rest of the Supporting Cast doesn't fair as well, including a Miscast Joe Don Baker who doesn't quite reach "Pepper" Land, but is in Danger of coming close.Sean Bean is Memorable and Occasionally brings Bond back to Earth for some Soul Searching and Judy Dench Debuts as "M" without Fanfare.It is undeniably a Fun Movie and Bond Fans Rank it Quite High. May be Overrated. Casual Viewers like it, but Purist wish there could have been more in the Timothy Dalton Style. After Four Brosnan Bonds, They got Their Wish

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