Guinea Pig Part 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood
Guinea Pig Part 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood
| 07 October 1985 (USA)
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Late at night, a woman is kidnapped by an unknown assailant and taken back to his blood-spattered dungeon, where he turns her into a "flower of blood and flesh" through a series of dismemberment and evisceration.


How sad is this?


A Masterpiece!

Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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I first heard of this movie when I was 17 so about 13 years ago and it took me 2 years to find it and gather the balls to watch it. At the time I heard that was the worst movie next to Cannibal Holocaust which I still refuse to watch not because of the gore but because they killed and tortured real life animals on film and I am a vehement supporter of PETA and am against animal being mistreated let alone tortured and killed for the sake of entertainment.Anyway stoned I sat down in a dark room and watched the copy of Ginî piggu 2: Chiniku no hana I had downloaded.First off the beginning is a little creepy but nothing I hadnt seen before, cue to the kill room and still nothing I hadnt seen but I started to get a ominous feeling since I had heard so much horrible stuff. To tell you the truth the torture wasn't that shocking it was actually a let down. I mean my heart was racing and I was sweating but I chalk that up now to stuff that were in my system making me hyper focus on the screen not wanted to move or blink in the chance that I missed something terrible. To tell you the truth the worst thing was I had a stiff neck from tensing myself in anticipation that something horrible was going to happen, the hype and anticipation freaked me out more than the actual movie. I actually found myself getting bored at times. When the movie ended I was more shocked that is was over because I thought that surly that wasn't the end of the movie.As far as the gore goes I have seen worst on film since then and had been exposed to worst before that looking up stuff on death and violence and torture for horror stories I wrote. Also things like how the hand acted after cut from the wrist were inaccurate and kind of threw me off. The thing that threw me off the most though was the blood and how long the chick survived before she died. He gave her anything to slow the flow of blood down nor did he tourniquet her to slow the bleeding. Im sorry but she wouldn't have survived very long bleeding like she did. No matter what magic drug he gave she would still show signs of bleeding to death. She would physically shiver as her body heat dropped. No matter how much pleasure she was getting the blood loss would make her confused and anxiety would kick in and no matter what she felt her mind and body would know she was in danger and start to freak out, also she would involuntarily start breathing fast and heavy as her body tried to get rid of CO2 and get more oxygen.At the end of the film I never got queasy, felt I was going to be sick, felt like I had watched something horrible, felt changed, nor did it stick with me after watching it. Im writing this review after attempting to watch it a second time a few hours and stopping it in the middle of the torture because it was so damn boring that I couldn't take it. I have came to the conclusion that my beating heart and sweating the first time around was because I was on stuff and because of the hype was anticipating something that never came. The truth is the hype of this movie is far more horrible than the movie will ever be. And the lack of any plot or worthy dialogue makes it seem worst than it is, like in a previous review I agree that if this had a plot, dialogue, or any kind of story thrown into the mix this movie wouldn't seem that shocking. This isn't horror its smut and the horror equivalent of shock jock radio. All filler no substance.There are so many movie out there that are more gory, disturbing, and wrong out their that actually stick with you after watching and far more with superior sfx. Also they think out the deaths more. Quality prosthesis are not hard to come by, realistic blood is easy to come by, and it not hard to make the cutting and hacking look realistic. The sound was probably the most upseting thing in this movie, but how hard is it to go to a butchers and get a pig and record the sounds of you hacking,slicing, sawing, and chiseling and breaking bones. They did all that perfectly but they forgot the most important things, the science of what happens when someone dies. A little research and it would have been 100x more realistic and all it would have taken was a little acting from the actress and deciding if she absolutely had to survive till her organs we removed what are ways to make sure she doesn't bleed to death be it cutting off the blood flow or cauterizing the stumps.You want to see a movie that is horrible, gory, and sticks with you after watching it making you question the world, yet has a good story? Then watch A Serbian film. While not a lot of it, the gore is top notch. But the messed up parts which are 100x's worst than what is done to this girl is what the main character sees, and is manipulated and forced to do in the movie. All of it is sexual in nature and it not only affects him but his family too. The last scene is probably the worst thing I have ever heard of anyone planning to do. There are worst movies out there than A Serbian Film but it affected me and made me profoundly sad after watching it.

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Right, if you're familiar with the basic history of „Guinea Pig: Flowers of Flesh and Blood", you probably know the story: Charlie Sheen saw this film in a party, thought it was an authentic snuff-film, carried it off to the authorities, who spent much time (and presumably many tax-dollars) investigating it and coming to the conclusion that it was indeed "only a movie".The morale and conclusion of the tale: Sheen was "winning" as usually (meaning: he was probably flying as high as a kite) and that there's the distinct need for the FBI to introduce IQ-tests before hiring their staff. Otherwise they would have thrown a glance at "Guinea Pig", determined that it's fake after roughly three minutes and thrown the drug-addled actor back unto the street (alternatively booking him for possession and DUI). If the obvious jelly and plastic replicas, obviously fake blood, the various camera angles and the dialogs performed by a painfully obvious actor still wouldn't have been an indication: watching the "Making-Off" would have indefinitely helped to shorten the FBI's "investigation".The "plot" of the actual movie is not even half as amusing as the real-life tale: man dressed in a plastic samurai-helmet kidnaps young, beautiful woman, drugs her, cuts off her limbs, eventually decapitating her, plucking out an eye from the disembodied head, sucking on the eyeball with cross-eyed excitement before adding the body parts to his "collection"; the perpetrator then drives off, searching for a new "victim". End credits.Granted, the effects are not bad at all; precise craftsmanship as we came to expect from a Japanese production, but never so realistic that it could fool anybody with good healthy eyes and half-a working brain. As such, it's less of a "real" film but rather a prank, a hoax and a display of special-effects craftsmanship.So, whom could I recommend this film to? Well, for one, sadists and jaded gorehounds who are one step away from searching for snuff-films on the internet. Secondly, people interested in good special-effects without the aid of a Hollywood-budget and to pranksters who would show it at parties, trying to determine which of their invited friends are gullible idiots.The film itself has no other merits.Now, all that's left to do is to wait until Hollywood films the story of "Guinea Pig: Flowers of Flesh and Blood", possibly a satire in the vein of Tim Burtons "Ed Wood"; possibly starring Sascha Baron Cohen as Charlie Sheen, in case the real deal happens to be "incapacitated".

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First of all this film is legendary in extreme horror circles, and most of you out there who know this film don't need me to explain the history and of course the Charlie sheen story.Although that story has been changed around and embellished over the last 20 something years.To begin this review i must admit that when it comes to horror and extreme films i am quite jaded. In the last ten years i've had two films that have truly frightened and disturbed me. Don't get me wrong though,this film gave me a run for my money and that in itself is a rare thing.The film runs roughly forty minutes and is as basic as one could imagine. Basically a woman is abducted by a man dressed as a samurai. The woman is bound, injected with a sedative and slowly and graphically dismembered. At the conclusion of all of this we find that this is not an isolated incident as proof of the murderer's surroundings and has plans to repeat his crimes.With very little story or narrative to progress the film what truly holds it together and gives 98% of the shock is the special effects.The special effects are extremely potent and realistic. So much so one could understand, especially in the late 80's and of course on a grainy VHS bootleg how this could be thought to be the real deal. The sound effects work to its utmost potential. My stomach rely turned the most when he is done cutting off her hand and detaches it. It makes this sound of pulling apart an extremely fresh head of iceberg lettuce. not to mention when he chisels through her shoulder socket and you can hear the clang and crunch of metal through bone. However upon close examination one can tell this is fake for the simple fact that in the aforementioned wrist cutting scene, the hand once severed clenches tightly and anyone with anyone with the slightest bit of medical knowledge knows that once an extremity is severed it goes limp and requires the proper muscle contractions to clench like seen.The acting and casting is done quite well with what little of that there is.The man who plays the samurai is ugly and throughout the whole movie gives off an incredible sense of perversion. As he proceeds with his "ritual", he does it with a horrible erotic performance. From the way he chooses his instruments,the way he holds the detached limbs and examines them with the cross between an aroused man and a child finding a new insect in his back yard. Even the look in his eyes made my heart sink and my stomach turn. There was a feeling that he was really getting off on what he was say this film is dark is a very gross understatement,no pun intended. I really in good conscience cant find a way to recommend this film. I guess your looking for something extreme,i guess one viewing might be worth it. Although i don't ever see myself watching this film again. Just really to say i sat through it. i guess 25% bragging rights, 75% morbid curiosity. Although the DVD transfer,mainly the update in the picture quality and making of dose reduce the shock, but very little. This is not for mainstream horror fans and definitely not for kids. precede with caution.

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Basically, as the summary says: a woman is kidnapped, drugged with chloroform, wakes up in a blood-splattered dungeon confronted with a freaky looking guy dressed in a samurai outfit, who then dismembers her. End plot.It's a 40-minute movie, shot on what looks like 8mm film. It's the second installment of the infamous Guinea Pig films. Apparently, when Charlie Sheen saw this particular installment, he thought it was a real snuff movie and reported it to both the MPAA and the FBI. The graininess of the 8mm film gives it a realistic effect, which adds to the allusion that it is a real snuff film. Of course, it turned out to not be a snuff film at all, though this movie - and indeed the entire Guinea Pig franchise - has been banned from Australia and numerous other countries for its extremely graphic nature.The effects are quite good, though I was expecting to be grossed out as it apparently sets the bar for gorehound movies. There were a number of extreme close ups of limbs being hacked into and flesh ripping away from flesh. The sound effects of bones cracking and blood and innards squelching was kind of comical more than anything. Either I am very desensitised, or the movie just garnered way too much hype for being known as "notorious" (ala 'Cannibal Holocaust'). I was, however, impressed with the way the woman's hand curled over after the guy sawed it off and put it aside. That was a clever effect and accurate for what does happen to a hand when it's severed live from its nerves and tendons. The eye gouging was well done, too.The idea behind it is that the killer is making "art" of his murders: he kills his victims, then puts their body parts in a makeshift garden he keeps in his dungeon, where flowers and vines grow all over them as maggots eat the flesh away from the body parts. There is no plot whatsoever, there are only two actors, the whole thing kind of rings of "cheesy horror film made for the sake of being gory". Kind of pointless, really. Typical Japanese guro, etc.Very good effects particularly for the time in which it was made. But otherwise... The speeches the killer kept giving in between the different dismemberment scenes was incredibly contrived. That alone should be a giveaway to anyone that this is not a snuff movie.It's no doubt gross and stomach-churning if you've a weak stomach for gore. It's otherwise not really all that shocking. Or maybe, like I said, I am just desensitised to this stuff.

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