PG-13 | 22 January 2002 (USA)
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Mutant snakes survived a terrorist attack on a government laboratory, and they now threaten the town of Santa Mira Springs, California. Seismic activity has brought snakes to the surface, where residents are being bitten. Victims can transmit the virus to healthy persons. The military puts the town under quarantine. Local physicians try to control the epidemic, while the military is primarily concerned with keeping the virus a secret.


Some things I liked some I did not.


Brilliant and touching


As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.

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An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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I like Treat Williams, I think he's always been a very underrated actor relegated to a b-movie career. Alas this film is a prime example.All about an outbreak of a virus spread by rattlesnakes and a crack medical team trying to contain it.But you know the drill, they aren't just up against the snakes no no they also battle the evil government who want to handle the situation differently which would result in a larger loss of life.Predictable stuff, you'll have seen it done before and better but it has its moments.For crying out loud though do pets have to die in every single film? This one is particularly merciless in that regard.The Good: Treat Williams The Bad: Opening scene was unnecessarily sad Not pet friendly....Things I Learnt From This Movie: If you have identified that one single bite from a snake will kill you, without protection just walking through them makes perfect sense If you're a doctor infected with a fatal disease that can be transferred via contact then keep it to yourself. What could possibly go wrong?

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After a strange series of attacks, a small-town doctor and his staff find that a military cover-up involving a deadly virus transmitted through venomous snake bites released by a terrorist attack and disturbed by seismic activity forcing them to come together to stop them.This here was a decent if decidedly unimpressive offering. Among the few positives here is the fact that there are quite a few scenes with the snakes here that really plays up the advantage of using the real animals. The fact that the scenes involving them are quite fun, from the first scenes of them biting on the civilians and the outbreak that causes the different quick-shot attacks that are carried out in the houses around town which are quite nicely handled in instigating their need for the quarantine. There's a great deal of these scenes that work throughout here due to the others carrying out the need for the real-sized snakes which has the nice lead-in to the different action scenes in the finale where there are all sorts of big fun to be had with the military ambush tactics and the big ambushes trying to get their plan under control. However, this is all that really works here since this one doesn't really have a whole lot to really enjoy and has a ton of flaws. Among the biggest ones is the fact that there's just not a whole lot the film can do with the rating featured here as it really neuters the possibilities for action within here. There's not a whole lot of vicious or graphic kills throughout here and the most blood shown is in a series of test-tube vials so it really leaves a lot of chances of to the sidelines which makes it feel rather weak. There's also the films' incredibly weak and obvious low-budget tone here which comes off quite apparent in the final half but is still a big deal throughout here, giving this one the kind of weak-toned and out of control with how it carries out these elements. Along with a distinct lack of action and confined sets, the film's biggest action scenes here are all stock footage scenes taken from other movies that includes several car chases taken to escape from the authorities and to later escape from the confined area and it containing action scenes and explosions taken from other films that really seems obvious with the change in audio and video quality during these scenes that highlights the pilfering. The film's last flaw is the fact that the actions could've been avoided had the nonsensical cover-up never occurred as everything that happens from the outbreak of the virus to the town quarantine and the snakes getting loose is due to their cover-up of the tests and the snakes being there. These here really hold this down.Rated PG-13: Violence, Language and scenes involving strong suggested child violence.

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If you're a fan of disaster movies, you'll enjoy this one. Acting by the principal characters was excellent, except for Anthony Denison who couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. He provides the comic relief, and the lines he had to recite were ludicrous. An interesting subplot between the two principal characters carries the movie. If you like to watch the science in these movies, there's an error in the premise. You don't get antibodies from the snake venom. You get them from the bloodstream. But it wouldn't have been half as fun watching them try to draw blood from a snake as to milk it for venom. This movie was great fun to watch.

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Tonci Pivac

Ok why does Treat Williams waste his talent on such terrible movies, He is much to good of actor to be in this film.This film is quite possible the worst film I have seen this year. Trust me if you see this film at your local video shop, then run as far away as possible.Mr. Williams please try and keep away from these type of films.2/10

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